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Dr. Mi-Ling Li's CHEER group studies the sources, transport, fate, and bioavailability of contaminants and nutrients in ecosystems and their impacts on public health, with an emphasis on linking global environmental changes to ecological and human health.  Our research scheme is highly interdisciplinary, as illustrated in the graph below.

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We are recruiting students (see details). Our group highly values inclusion, diversity, and equality. We wholeheartedly encourage women, ethnic minorities, and other under-represented groups to join us. 


Internal Dynamics and Metabolism of Mercury in Biota: A Review of Insights from Mercury Stable Isotopes. Env. Sci. & Technol. 2022
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Investigating the dynamics of methylmercury bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea shelf food web: a modeling perspective. Environmental science. Processes & Impacts. 2022

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